Acquisition of French nasal vowels [?], [ã] and [?] by Brazilian apprentices: articulatory aspects


  • Bruna Teixeira Correa UFPEL
  • Giovana Ferreira Gonçalves Universidade Federal de Pelotas



This work is prone to investigate an acquisition of the nasal vowels [?], [ã] and [?] of the French Language by apprentices of the licentiate course in Portuguese / French Literature. (SEARA, 2000; DEMOLIN and MEDEIROS, 2006; BARBOSA and MATUREIRA, 2015) and, consequently, by means of a social communication technique. Different acoustics born in the region of oral Vowels. With a free passage of non-nasal air, the first formant (F1) tends to lower and the third (F3) to increase (HAWKINS and STEVENS, 1985; DELVAUX, 2001). There is also a change in the amplitude of spectral peaks - smaller for the nasal ones -, appearance of peak-shows and a longer duration for the directors segments (MORAES and WETZELS, 1992; SOUSA, 1994). Articulate data projects with three groups of informants: Group I - two FLE apprentices of different semesters (2nd and 8th) of the licentiate course; Group II - a native of French; E Group III - a native of Brazilian Portuguese. The instrument of articulatory collection consisted in a test of production of logatomas in vehicle-phrase. As collections were carried out in the acoustic booth of the Emergency Laboratory of Oral Language (LELO / UFPel). For the collection and analysis of articulatory data, and used in Articulate Assistant Advanced (AAA) software, version 2.16.11. An analysis of the segments of the two native groups of discovery: (i) to differentiate the nasal segment from the oral one, a native of the later French, its language movements, as well as that of the Portuguese, elevates them. (Ii) accurate vocal distinction of the 8th informant. Ultrasonography has also been shown to be a promising tool for conducting research on nasality, evidencing significant statistics on tongue movements between the oral and nasal segments.

Author Biographies

Bruna Teixeira Correa, UFPEL

Mestre em Letras pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Professora Substituta da Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Giovana Ferreira Gonçalves, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Mestre em Letras pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Professora Substituta da Universidade Federal de Pelotas


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