Memorable experiences during academic living in business administration undergraduate courses: an study in the lights of “service experience”




The purpose of this study was to analyze the experiences in the context of educational services, specifically in higher education, in order to propose a conceptual framework to characterize the memorable experiences of students during undergraduate courses in business administration, considering the main interactions that occurred during their academic living. To achieve this, a qualitative research was carried out by means of an in-depth interview with 11 graduates from public university institutions in the city of Florianópolis / SC, followed by non-participant observation at the points of contact resulting from the interviewees' narratives. The results indicated that memorable experiences influenced by individual factors are located in four dimensions (teacher and student interaction, interaction and social identification, extracurricular activities and graduation party) and are manifested in students' behaviors and attitudes. The repercussion of the research has managerial and academic implications because it enables managers of public education institutions to recognize the importance of a systemic view on the different aspects that impact the students' experience and that researchers are encouraged to use the applied experience approach service segments.

Author Biographies

Eduardo Cechinel, Centro Universitário Estácio de Sá de Santa Catarina

Professor do curso de Administração Centro Universitário Estácio de Sá de Santa Catarina.

Aline Regina Santos, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC

Professora do Departamento de Administração Pública e do Mestrado Acadêmico em Administração, do Centro de Ciências de Administração e Socioeconômicas (ESAG), da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC)


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