Social practice and schooling in the administration of Fernando Henrique Cardoso: an ontological approach.


  • João dos Reis Silva Júnior UFSCAR - São Carlos - SP



This article aims to contribute to the construction of the category of “school practice” in schools´ quotidian life. This proposal is based on the specific condition of schools as the privileged social locus where it was implemented the Brazilian educational reform in the 90’s. With that in view, the article uses the conceptions of György Lukács and Ágnes Heller concerning human formation and the sociology of daily life. Both authors intend to understand the socialization of human beings in their singular reproduction through day by day social practice. The authors consider that such practices, as a whole, accomplish the reproduction of social human life throughout multiple and mediated processes, and in the last instance, consider simple labour as the basic element that underpin such practices.



How to Cite

Júnior, J. dos R. S. (2003). Social practice and schooling in the administration of Fernando Henrique Cardoso: an ontological approach. Perspectiva, 21(2), 303–328.