Critical Additional Language Education: guiding principles for critical teaching




Critical teaching guiding principles, Critical education, Additional languages


The critical education of additional languages has a relevant history in the Brazilian scenario and, in recent years, has been gaining ground with discussions based on decolonial perspectives of language education (SOUZA; DUBOC, 2021), as well as pedagogical movements in significant areas such as critical literacy (FARIAS, 2018), critical media literacy (SILVA, 2018), critical racial literacy (FERREIRA, 2022), English as a língua franca (DUBOC; SIQUEIRA, 2020), among others. Despite its history and trajectory, it is possible to say that the perspective is still a minority (CROOKES, 2021b) within both the ELT research field and classroom practice. Considering the importance of critical teaching as a catalyst for reflection and action that drive critical action, and understanding teacher education as a complex process that is at the same time continuous, non-linear, and permeated by beliefs, the importance of critical teaching education within the field of additional languages is highlighted. In this context, based on experiences gathered in courses of English Language Student Teaching I and II, taught by the authors to students majoring in Letras Inglês (ELT) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), this article aims to identify and discuss beliefs about critical teaching in additional languages classrooms, in an attempt to challenge (mis)understandings about what teaching critically is. In this sense, we aim to discuss guiding principles that might be part of critical education, contributing to the initial and continued education of teachers of additional languages.

Author Biographies

Priscila Fabiane Farias, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, SC, Brasil

Professora da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, SC, Brasil.

Hamilton de Godoy , Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, SC, Brasil

Professor da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, SC, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Farias, P. F. ., & Hamilton de Godoy. (2023). Critical Additional Language Education: guiding principles for critical teaching. Perspectiva, 41(1), 1–18.



A Critical Gaze to Additional Language Education: Pedagogical and Formative Pos