Patrolling the city


  • Pedro Nuñez UNGS-IDES



This article aims to examine the issue of inequality in depth in order to denature the relationship between youth and violence. For such purpose, the article reviews a field research that was conducted in a middle-sized city in the province of Buenos Aires, where a safety program named “Patrullas Urbanas” is being carried out. This article explores the implicit logic in the above safety program and relates it to its socio-economic context as well as to the country’s authoritarian tradition, in the following manner: first, the context of violence that accompanies the emergence of youth as a category and its development in Argentina are briefly described. Secondly, violence is assessed from the perspective of the so-called authoritarian solution, which represents the most easily recognizable of all courses of action, and this fact, in turn, legitimates its implementation. Finally, presents a reflection articulating the inequality of treatment of young people and their constant search for recognition. Keywords: Youth; inequality; violence; politics.

Author Biography

Pedro Nuñez, UNGS-IDES

Cursa el Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales (UNGS-IDES). Becario de la Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires en cuestiones de juventud. Forma parte del Equipo de Sociología de la UNGS, asistente de investigación en Flacso en el Proyecto “Intersecciones entre desigualdad y educación media – un análisis de las dinámicas de producción y reproducción de la desigualdad escolar y social en cuatro jurisdicciones”.





Thematic Dossier