Comparison of the indicative of muscle dysmorphia among recreational and competitive Crossfit athletes




Motor activity, Exercise, Sport psychology


This cross-sectional study compared the indicative of Muscle dysmorphia in CrossFit athletes. Participants were 276 male and female CrossFit athletes with an average age of 28.56 ± 8.08 years. A questionnaire was used with questions about age, practice time and frequency of Crossfit practice, as well as the questionnaire of the Adonis complex. Data analysis was conducted through Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Mann-Whitney tests, and Spearman correlation (p<.05). The adopted significance was p<0.05. The results showed that men obtained higher indicative of muscle dysmorphia in comparison to women as well as competitive athletes showed higher score than recreational athletes (p<0.05). It was found significant (p<0.05) and negative correlation of the indicative of muscle dysmorphia with training frequency (Rho=-0.51) among recreational athletes, and positive correlation (Rho=0.19) among competitors. It is concluded that being male and having a competitive profile are actors in the presence of Muscle dysmorphia in CrossFit athletes.


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