Route notes: the written record that weaves the meeting of the teacher with the researcher... And with art


  • Maria Helena Dantas dos Santos Neves Secretaria Municipal de Educação- SP



Daily record, Teacher-researcher, Black poetics, Multiple languages


Rehearsing other languages, articulating words and images, the manuscript speaks of memory and reflection marked in the diary of a teacher who becomes a researcher and affirms the importance of recording and the need to expand artistic-cultural repertoires in childhood education. Records of teaching in the past, kept in the logbook produced as a teacher of Early Childhood Education, are resumed when writing her master's thesis. In this resumption, some reflective threads are pulled, with political, ethical and aesthetic commitment, with the desire to weave paths towards an anti-racist education, with art and beauty.


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OSTETTO, Luciana Esmeralda. No tecido da documentação, memória, identidade e beleza. In: OSTETTO, Luciana Esmeralda (Org.). Registros na Educação Infantil: pesquisa e prática pedagógica. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 2017 (p.19-53).

