Uma breve história do fim das certezas ou o paradoxo de Janus


  • Katja Plotz Fróis UFSC - Florianópolis - SC


The contemporary world is characterized by the complexity of the diverse scopes and by the spalling of old institutional pillars. This complexity asks for multiple approaches on specific, local and plural aspects that compose the picture, now ephemeral and unstable, of the society, the individual and its certainties. The change of the investigation position due to this society and this individual became perceivable in a substitution process on the ways of thinking and intervening in the world, which is verified since the origins of the civilization. Here is aimed to present the process of the world’s perspective vision’s change, pointing out the necessity of new way to think, where uncertainty, instability, ephemerity and difference are considered valid parameters as inquiry instrument to interdisciplinarity.

Author Biography

Katja Plotz Fróis, UFSC - Florianópolis - SC

Graduação em Processamento de Dados - Prodata (1987), graduação em Engenharia Mecânica pela PUC/MG (1987), graduação em Belas Artes pela UFMG (1994), graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela UFMG (2000) e mestrado em Arquitetura pela UFMG (2002).

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.




