Barebacke: roleta russa ou a ética sadeana?


  • Leandro Oltramari


In the present article we intend to discuss the relation between barebacke, a recent phenomenon which is occurring in the United States, Europe, Australia and also in Brazil, and the so called ‘Sadean ethics’. We have tried to relate barebacke ideals and the presuppositions defended by the Marquis de Sade such as the individualization of pleasure, which may even lead to death. In order to do that first we investigated web sites that divulge or discuss the issue of barebacke and next we compared their premises with Sadean thoughts. This comparison was based mainly on one of Sade’s main works, ‘120 days of Sodom’, and also on discussions carried out with his commentators.

Author Biography

Leandro Oltramari

Pesquisador do Instituto de planejamento, pesquisa social e estudos avançados (IPPSEA) e Professor da UNISUL, da UNIVALI e Doutorando em Ciências Humanas no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Humanas (DICH/UFSC)




