The interdisciplinarity as matrix to the curricula of the social communications undergraduate programs.


  • Veronica Gesser Universidade do Vale do Itajai - Univali



This article explains the process of the discussion and conception of a curriculum development to three undergraduate programs of the Social Communication. The curriculum was organized in order to integrate similar contents, to bring up to date the syllabus content, and to reduce the program extension to the three fields of the Social communication area, without any demage to each specific programs within the Social Communication, trying to contemplate the emergent trainning and mercadologic demands. To this purpose, we relied on an interdisciplinar approach to aim an innovation on the curricula design of each specific program. The article is organized based on a short introduction about the curriculum proposal, following with some quality indicators that are currently considered in the Social Communication area. We shortly elucidate how we proceeded to the elaboration process of the new curricula proposals as well as their basic curriculum organization criteria. Besides, we presented the main lines that gave form and that constituted the new proposals and also, we indicate some gains that we perceive as advancements to the implementation of the new curricula proposals that we now constructed. At the end, we make some considerations around of current trends regarding the organization of a curriculum process to the instruction in the undergraduate programs.

Author Biography

Veronica Gesser, Universidade do Vale do Itajai - Univali

Doutora em, Educaçao.




