The Brazilian anti-racialist thought in the early twentieth century: Manoel Bomfim e Alberto Torres


  • Jéssica Maria Rosa Lucion Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS



The thought of Manoel Bomfim and Alberto Torres enters the national scene, mainly for originality in addressing the "Brazil-Problem" disconnecting themselves from their contemporaries to reflect the country bias by socio-historical and non-racialist. His ideas sound like dissidents in a time where scientific racism and the concern of elites concentrated on mixing, mixing between upper and evolved races (Europeans) and inferior races and delayed (Indians and blacks) prevails. Analysis of these concerns arose about the Brazilian reality, later, the establishment of policies bleaching in the country were incorporated. This paper presents a reflection on the work of the authors in question evidencing their analysis about Brazil and the solutions they propose for the country's situation to seek help for the formation of the "Brazil-Nation".

Author Biography

Jéssica Maria Rosa Lucion, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS

Mestranda em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).

