Traditional games and new technologies: Continuities and appropriations


  • Carolina Duek Conicet/Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Noelia Enriz Conicet, Argentina



The increase in the availability of technological devices related to children and people in Argentina has generated the reappearance of a debate among parents, professors and researchers: Which are the transformations that children’s games suffer as a result of the presence of new technologies of information and communication? How is it possible to classify and analyze the new universe that opens with it? Are there continuities or we can only detect changes and transformations? The objective of this paper is to identify the relationship between “traditional games” and those that are available in technological and material supports. The hypothesis that we sustain claims that there are many continuities between traditional games and those new ones that are organized in and between new technologies. This hypothesis will be developed with information from our research and through the analysis of the complex relationship between contemporary games and children that play with them.

Author Biographies

Carolina Duek, Conicet/Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dra. en Ciencias Sociales, investigadora del Conicet y docente en la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Noelia Enriz, Conicet, Argentina

Dra. en Filoofía con mención en Antropología, investigadora del Conicet y docente universitaria.

