State Health Conferences in Santa Catarina: memoryand socio-political profile of the delegates Abstract
The aim of this paper is to make a short reflection on the meaning of the Health Conferences in the context of SUS and present memory elements from the State Health Conferences in Santa Catarina. The history of popular participation in health and in the SUS implementation process in the state is yet to be recovered and systematized. In this text we present descriptions made from literature and documentary research in order to retrieve objective data from the State Health Conferences that started happening after the SUS regulations in 1990. The text is completed with the comparative presentation of the socio-political profile from the participants of the 5th and 6th State Conference of Health of Santa Catarina held in 2007 and 2011 respectively. The survey includes data from participants of the four segments (users, workers, managers and private service providers) in relation to sex, age, education, occupation and political participation.
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