Style of cultural orientation and deviant conducts: a correlational study in young people from Paraiba.


  • Nilton Soares Formiga Universidade Federal da Paraiba



This work aims to understand the influence of cultural syndromes in deviant conducts. The explanations about these conducts in young people have shown social, psychological and psychosocial variables as responses. The cultural syndromes considered as a sharing of attitudes, beliefs, norms, social roles and definitions of I, that guide people to certain types of behavior, as: be unique and driven to succeed, be cooperative and be server, expressive, friendly and familiar and worker, and search their survival is more one variable that contributes to the puzzle in explaining the juveniles conduct. 710 young people, between 14 and 20 years old, answered about the attributes of individualism and collectivism and anti-social and criminal conducts. There was a negative relation between collectives’ guidelines with deviant conducts, and positively with individualistic guidelines. Reflect about cultural orientation taken by young people in social dynamics, helps in the recognition of appropriate cultural conducts able to inhibit juvenile delinquency.




