The Fantasy and the Tell of Histories in the Infantile Education


  • Leonel de Alencar Moreno



The researches of Lev Vygotski brought important knowledges for the utilization of fantasy in the teaching process, concluding that by means of the games there is the fantasy and the imagination, form which the child appropriates of your own social place, as well as that of people who surround her. The present article introduces the results experienced in the Supervised Apprenticeship: Research of the Pedagogical Practice, which had as goal carry ludicrous activities, jokes and speak of histories as a teaching-learning strategy in class room for a week, for children five year of the Garden II in the Infantile Education of Infantile Center Nossa Senhora das Graças, situated in the city of Itajai/SC. The analysis rulered for several authors as Craidy&Kaercher (2001), Kraemer (2002), Oliveira (2002), Abramovich (1995) among others. The reached results demonstrated that besides feeling and to see printing in the children's faces the happiness by the existence of unforgettable moments, the everyday at the centre Infantile proceeded having another sense: the reflection on the infantile games.




