The scale of the struggle and peasant resistance


  • João Edmilson Fabrini Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná


The struggle of peasants in Brazil is conducted through unions, entities, associations and principally social movements. The most significant example of the struggle in the field is that undertaken by the (Landless Peasants Movement) MST. Nevertheless, peasants have also demonstrated an ability to resist domination and imposition of capitalist relations by means of other social manifestations and practices that are not necessarily led by the social movements. In this sense, territory and local forces arise as a possibility for the construction of peasant autonomy.

Author Biography

João Edmilson Fabrini, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Possui graduação (1988), mestrado (UNESP); doutorado (UNESP) e pós-doutorado em Geografia (Universidad de La Habana-Cuba). Atualmente é professor adjunto do curso de geografia da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná-Unioeste. Possui vários artigos científicos e livros publicados sobre movimentos sociais, lutas camponesas, assentamentos de sem-terra, reforma agrária, cooperativas agrícolas.




