What is geochemistry of landscape?


  • Gerusa Maria Duarte
  • Rossana Madruga Telles
  • Nicolai Mirlean


Geochemistry of landscape is an area within the Geography
that was created in Russia on the 20th century. It investigates the
landscape at the chemical elements level and has its own
classification of landscapes based on both biotic and abiotic parameters. Geochemical mapping of landscapes has applications
in agriculture, environmental protection, medical geography and
ore prospecting. The application of this method in tropical zones
has not been propagated yet. The development of landscapegeochemical studies in these zones will have significant theoretical and applied value for the modern geography.

Author Biography

Gerusa Maria Duarte

Graduação em Geografia Bacharelado pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (1964), graduação em Geografia Licenciatura pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (1965), mestrado em Geociências pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1975) e doutorado em Geociências (Geologia Sedimentar) pela Universidade de São Paulo (1995).

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.




