Economia política da urbanização da região do Baixo Jaguaribe-CE: dinâmica populacional e novas formas de consumo, emprego e renda
It should be recognized how the new political-economic strategies were efficient in the sense of integrating the area of Baixo Jaguaribe-CE in a new economy of international exchanges. Its development process is associated, above all, to the new directions assumed by the State in the sense of inserting the agriculture in a competitive logic. It is focused, in the article, the changes that the agricultural modernization made in the urban economy, in the demographic dynamics and in the area’s work relationship, emphasizing the analysis of the productive restructuring process and the social relationship of production changes. Baixo Jaguaribe is observed as an example of the alteration of the objects and the circuits of a productive rationality (that begins in the field and it will complete in the city), that is caused by the recent development of the modern agricultural activities.

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