Intensidade e forma da ilha de calor urbana em Presidente Prudente/SP: episódios de inverno


  • Margarete Cristiane de Costa Trindade Amorim UNESP - Presidente Prudente - SP


Presidente Prudente is located at 22o 07’ 04” South and 51o 22’ 57” West, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. It has a population of approximately 200,000 inhabitants. This research was aimed at analyzing the intensity and form of the urban heat island in Presidente Prudente/SP. The method to collect temperature measurements consisted in defining two dynamic measurement transects using digital thermometers with sensors adjusted to a 1.5-m long wooden rod, fitted to the sides of two vehicles, with a total of 120 locations for air temperature collection. The measurements were carried out through July 2002, from 8.00 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. Based on the findings, it was possible to identify heat islands of high magnitude, with a maximum intensity of 9.6oC. Spatial variations took place according to the land uses and the nature of the relief.




