Uma leitura de Milton Santos (1948-1964)


  • Fábio Santos da Silva UFBA
  • Maria Auxiliadora da Silva UFBA


The present discusses the work of Milton Santos in the first phase of his intellectual development. The works that have been analyzed have been published between 1948 and 1964 and they generally comprise works that are less known to the general public. The objective is to discuss this scientific work, analyzing the methods and conceptual references that are characterized by the analysis of cities and regions in the state of Bahia. Theses are local empirical studies, many a times involving intensive field research. Nevertheless, still in this period, Milton Santos had already written theoretical studies, formulating concepts that have been later developed to build a theoretical foundation for the geographical sciences. Among the works belonging to this first phase, the most important include the studies about Salvador (Downtown Salvador, 1959) about the region of the Reconcavo (The Urban Network of the Reconcavo, 1959) and about the cocoa region of Bahia (The Cocoa Zone, 1955). It is possible to note a shift in the way of thinking of Milton Santos as early as in the decade of 1950 in the works researched for the period of 1948-1964. Staring from geographical studies based essentially on empirical methods that were highly influenced by the French, his work has evolved with the renewal of the investigation methods, however still under the French influence of authors such as Monbeig, Rochefort, George and Tricart. His work evolved to show a noticeable conceptual improvement.




