A política agrária e as transformações na agricultura brasileira: de 1960 aos dias atuais


  • Cesar De David UFSM
  • Walquíria Krüger Corrêa


Herein will be analyzed the recent changes that have taken
place in Brazil’s agrarian sector and in which the State has taken the lead. The State’s role has been divided into two parts: the period of conservative modernization (1960-1980) and the period since then (1980-). The aim has been to determine the State’s intentions and the importance of the changes made. Therefore, it has been necessary to go over certain of the political and economic processes involved in the formation of the current agricultural sector as well as outlining the State’s spheres of influence, highlighting agrarian policy. This analysis brings to light the changes that have taken place and the elements that remain uncorrected, the former including advances made in technicalproductive areas and working relationships, the latter, the increase in the concentration of land ownership and the subsequent inequalities and social conflict.




