The territory as a resource: the privatization of the telecommunications in Brazil. From the fragments auction to the totality of the territory


  • Fábio Tozi USP- São Paulo



This article suggests a geographical discussion about the
privatization, starting from the alienation of the Brazilian’s
telecommunication enterprises which occurred in the last few
decade. The article aims to start not by the economy view or one of
its sectors, as usual, but by the analysis of the whole territory,
know as a totality system (a system that involves, at the same time,
objects and actions). This way, according to Santos (1994b), we
intend to discuss the used territory which means the territory used
by all the social agents, and not only the enterprise’s and the
network’s territory. Besides the empirical analysis, we have
achieved understanding the presently Brazilian territory where
there is a fast and hard globalization and also a fragmentation
process have caused essentially by the corporative action
connected with the Brazilian government politics.

Author Biography

Fábio Tozi, USP- São Paulo

Doutorando em Geografia Humana (FFLCH/USP), possui graduação em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2001) e mestrado em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2005). Possui experiência profissional como pesquisador, como Professor Mestre adjunto do Centro Universitário Metropolitano de São Paulo (UNIFIG) e em Planejamento Territorial.




