Evolution of socioeconomic indices and motivating factors for investments in the city of Jaraguá do Sul/SC


  • Paulo Rogério Alves Brene Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP
  • Ronaldo Raemy Rangel Escola Paulista de Negócios (EPN)
  • Renan Henrique Luquini Kroton Educacional - Corporativo Londrina
  • Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL
  • Cleverson Neves Kroton Educacional - Corporativo Londrina




The aim of this work is to analyze the socioeconomic indicators of the city of Jaraguá do Sul highlighting the evolution of the productive structure, as well as to raise the motivational factors of investments from the perspective of the municipal entrepreneurship. Regarding methodology, we highlight the use of secondary data from research agencies, structured research (interviews) and as an analytical tool was used the calculation of correlation indexes, more specifically those of Pearson (value) and Spearman (rank /order). The focus of the calculation of these indicators was to measure the proximity of the characteristics of Jaraguá do Sul with other municipalities. As a result, it should be noted that there should be a reservation regarding the comparison between the municipality of Jaraguá do Sul and others in the state of Santa Catarina and that the productive structure observed in the municipality is above the national average.

Author Biographies

Paulo Rogério Alves Brene, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - UENP

Doutor em Desenvolvimento Econômico - PPGDE/UFPR. Professor do curso de ciências econômicas da UENP

Ronaldo Raemy Rangel, Escola Paulista de Negócios (EPN)

Doutor em Desenvolvimento Econômico – UNICAMP. Professor da Escola Paulista de Negócios e coordenador do Pós-MBA em Inteligência Empresarial FGV

Renan Henrique Luquini, Kroton Educacional - Corporativo Londrina

Mestre em Economia Regional - UEL. Tutor na Kroton Educacional - Corporativo Londrina

Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Doutor em Economia Aplicada - ESALQ/USP. Professor do Programa de Mestrado em Economia Regional da UEL.

Cleverson Neves, Kroton Educacional - Corporativo Londrina

Mestre em Economia Regional - UEL. Professor de ciências econômicas na Kroton Educacional - Corporativo Londrina




