Small towns and cooperative agribusiness command in the west of Parana


  • Marcos Xavier Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp



The way companies use the territory, defining the locations of the different stages of production and their material and immaterial flows, can reveal the interactions between the places and the functions of each one in the territorial division of labor. The productive process distributed in the space ends up generating new hierarchies between the places used by them to command, control and organize and those destined to execute the different portions of production. In the West of Paraná, the use of the territory by the agroindustrial cooperative has led small cities to become knots of complex processes of production and headquarters of corporate decisions, expanding and making more complex the network of relations established between them and the Field and among them the other cities of the country.

Author Biography

Marcos Xavier, Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp

Geógrafo, professor Adjunto IV do Instituto das Cidades da Universidade Federal de São Paulo – Unifesp. Dedica-se à geografia humana, trabalhando temas como a relação entre as empresas e o território, circuitos espaciais da economia urbana,
rede urbana, transformações da cidade, do lugar e
da região diante da globalização, e território e democracia.




