The geographical network of shoes production and trade in Feanca (SP)


  • Judite de Azevedo do Carmo Unemat - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso



The main objective of this text is to address the geographic network established by the production and trade of footwear from the Local Productive Arrangement of Franca (SP). To this end, we relied on the methodology proposed by Corrêa (2001) for the geographic network analysis. We collected data from bibliographical sources and from a study published by IEMI (2011). The network formed by the production of the footwear was identified as extending beyond regional and national boundaries, while the trade network was found to extend beyond national boundaries, reaching the global market. Regarding the domestic market, we observed that all Brazilian regions are consumers of Franca’s product; however, the southeast region stands out among the others.

Author Biography

Judite de Azevedo do Carmo, Unemat - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso

Doutora em Geografia pela Unesp, Campus de Rio Claro, professora Adjunto do Curso de Geografia da Unemat, Campus Colider. Tem interesse principalmente nos seguintes temas: Comércio, Arranjo Produtivo Local, Espaço Urbano, Dinâmicas Sócioespaciais, Consumo e Docência no Ensino Superior e Básico




