The right to the city and the conditions of urban life in the neighborhood Padre Ulrico – Francisco Beltrão/PR




Through of this research, we sought to present the urban living conditions of the residents of the Padre Ulrico neighborhood, located in one of the poorest peripheral areas of the city of Francisco Beltrão / PR. In this sense, we tried to guide this study from central theme: the struggle for the Right to the City. For the development of this research, a theoretical framework was constructed from big names in Urban Geography such as Castells (1983); Harvey (2012); Lefebvre (2001) and others. Besides that, interviews were conducted with the residents and popular leaders of the neighborhood, The main objective of this work was to compare and reflect on the struggle for the right to a fairer and less unequal city. However, a long way to build the right to a quality city for the residents of the neighborhood. The union of the community and the municipal public power is necessary, so that the Right to the City can be achieved.

Author Biographies

Jorgiane Pagnan, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná -Unioeste, câmpus de Francisco Beltrão, PR.

Mestre em Geografia

Ricardo Carvalho Leme, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná -Unioeste, câmpus de Francisco Beltrão, PR.

Doutor em Geografia; Docente do curso de graduação em Geografia pela Universdade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná- Unioeste.


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