Road impedances and the challenges of marketing fruit and vegetable producers in the municipalities of Nova Esperança do Sul, Santigo e Jaguari – RS




Fruticulture, Rural roads, Relief, Geotechnologies


The horticultural activity has gained in recent years greater visibility through state stimulus programs. Horticulture is an important source of employment and income for the economy of many municipalities since the state of Rio Grande do Sul is the 4th largest national fruit producer. However, the poor conditions of rural roads have been causing losses, affecting the income earned by horticulturalists. The road conditions are usually due to the interactions of man with the geographic space and society because it impacts the environment when pressing the opening of new roads. These roads have some difficulties in terms of mobility. In this sense, this work aims to characterize and evaluate to what proportion that attributes of the terrain impacts road system and the flow of production in the municipalities of Nova Esperança do Sul and Santiago, RS. It was sought through the free software QGIS version 3.4 LTR "Madeira" to apply a series of computational tools for the extraction of variables contained in the MDE to compute the impedances. Initially, an analysis of horticultural production was made, demonstrating the need to transpose and it was observed that in the period of 12 years an increase of 4.76% in horticultural production, thus justifying the need for a modal capable of satisfying such needs. On the other hand, it was observed that 80% of the roads in the respective municipalities are not paved, suffering from holes, erosion, lack of drainage, etc. impacting the trafficability of producers and the community in general.

Author Biographies

Ricardo Vieira Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS

Dep. de Geociências, UFSM

Romário Trentin, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM

Possui Graduação em Geografia Licenciatura pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2004), Mestrado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2007) e Doutorado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2011). Pós-Doutorado em Geografia pela Le Mans Université, França (2021) pelo PrInt - Programa de Institucional de Internacionalização. Atualmente é professor titular do Departamento de Geociências, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Tem experiência na área de Geociências, com ênfase em Geotecnologias, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Bacia Hidrografia, Arenização, Geomorfologia, Uso e Ocupação da Terra, Caracterização Geoambiental e Áreas de Risco.


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