Urban system cartography of brazilian mid-sized cities
Areas of Influence of Cities, Mid-Sized Cities, Urban Network, Spatial Analysis, Geographic CartographyAbstract
This article carry out an analysis of the spatial distribution of the areas of influence of 230 urban centers considered as mid-sized cities in the Brazilian territory, based on the hierarchy of the urban network presented in studies by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE (2015; 2020). The research methodology is based on assumptions and procedures articulated in three structural bases: division of the national territory into three geoeconomic regions (Amazon, Northeast and Center-South); classification of mid-sized cities, from criteria related to population amount, level of regional centrality and situation related to the context of geoeconomic regions, and; identification, mapping and characterization of the areas of influence in each of the selected cities. The research results provide contributions to the knowledge of mid-sized cities system in Brazil, and may support the elaboration of territorial development policies.
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