Inference of paleosurfaces using Digital Terrain Modeling in the state of Paraná (Brazil)
Geomorphometry, Geomorphological map, Digital Elevation Model, Geochronology, PediplainAbstract
In the context of digital terrain analysis applied to morphocronological interpretation, this paper presents a proposed method for identifying and mapping paleosurfaces based exclusively by Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and geomorphometric parameters. It was considered that the highest residual elevations in a neighborhood predefined by the temporal-spatial relationship indicate the levels of paleosurfaces and that when tangential to the current surface in flat portions they characterize remnants or levels of old terraces. The study area included the state of Paraná, whose evaluation of the results considered previous papers of geochronological dating, evolutionary interpretations and measurements of long-term denudation rates. The results showed average rates of denudation and estimation of the age of erosion tops and remnants for each geomorphological context of the study area.
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