About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Anuário de Literatura (Literature Annuary) has the mission to disseminate new and groundbreaking knowledge in the fields of Literature, Literary Theory, and Literary Criticism. It is directed towards researchers and literature professionals. The journal accepts: first hand original articles resulting from scientific research in the areas of Literature and Literary Theory; theoretical essays based on literature review; book reviews; and translations of articles and literary texts. Authors with previous published works by Anuário de Literatura must abide by the 06 month minimum interstice (equivalent to one edition) in order to submit a new publication proposal.

Anuário de Literatura will accept contributions of authors who hold MA and PhD degrees. MA candidates may publish as co-authors as long as the article is submitted by a PhD holder.

The journal reserves the right to decline more than one unpublished work by the same author per year.

Contributions are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Suggestion: literary scholars, both academic and independent; teachers of literature in colleges, universities, and secondary schools; poets, novelists, playwrights, actors, and directors; translators, journalists, critics, editors, and publishers; and all other serious students of literature.

Peer Review Process

All pieces published in Anuário de Literatura become property of the journal. A new publication of the same work, as by the author’s or a third party’s initiative, must mention its previous publication in this journal, citing its edition and date of publication. All articles submitted to Anuário de Literatura are forwarded to two peer reviewers who are also members of the Editorial Board, members of the Editorial Committee, or ad hoc consultants. All originals are initially read by the editorial board members who will then forward it to the reviewers if they are considered to be in accordance with the general editorial line. Originals may be:

- Accepted in full;

- Accepted in full, with some alterations requested;

- Rejected.

When then alterations requested refer only to grammatical aspects of the text, the editor is responsible for making such alterations with the aim of keeping the homogeneity of the publication, but maintaining the author style. In other cases, the author will restructure the text according to what is requested by the Editorial Committee.

Anuário de Literatura does not endorse the opinions displayed by the authors of the texts published, emphasizing that such opinions are their sole responsibility.  

Publication Frequency

Anuário de Literatura is available in A-5 printed format (1993-2007) and its complete collection in digital PDF format can be found at Portal Periódicos UFSC (Journal Repository of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina).

Anuário de Literatura is released every six months (as of 2008, Vol 13)

Open Access Policy

This journal offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that releasing scientific knowledge free of charge to the public generates a greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. In this direction, there is no rate of pay form for the author and / or the reader.

In accordance with the Creative Commons License used by Anuário de Literatura, the authors retain the rights to their intellectual productions. It is necessary only that the submission for review in the journal is unprecedented (ie, the text is not being evaluated by another journal or that has already been published elsewhere).

Publication indicators

2022 (v. 27)

17 articles, 1 review

2021 (v. 26)

27 articles, 4 review

2020 (v. 25, n. 2)

13 articles, 1 review

2020 (v. 25, n. 1)

13 articles

2019 (v. 24, n. 2)

12 articles, 2 review

2019 (v. 24, n. 1)

12 articles

2018 (v. 23, n. 2)

1 essay, 12 articles, 1 interview

2018 (v. 23, n. 1)

11 articles

2017 (v. 22, n. 2)

14 articles

2017 (v. 22, n. 1)

11 articles, 2 review

2016 (v. 21, n. 2)

15 articles

2016 (v. 21, n. 1)

13 articles, 3 review

2015 (v. 20, n. 2)

12 articles and 1 interview

2015 (v. 20, n. 1)

16 articles and 1 review

2014 (v. 19, n. 1)
16 articles and 1 review

2014 (v. 19, n. 2)
13 articles, 1 translation and 1 review

Digital Preservation

The Anuário de Literatura Journal is concerned with ensuring long-term access to its content. In case any incident occurs in the serves, the digital files of the journal are preserved in the Rede Cariniana, using the LOCKSS program. LOCKSS creates a file system distributed among the participating libraries, which allows them to create permanent files of their journals for preservation and restoration.

Journal History

Between the years of 1993 and 2003 (Volumes 1 through 11) Anuário de Literatura maintained yearly publications, with a three year hiatus until the publication of Volume 12, in 2007. That year, the coordinators of the Literature Graduate Program resumed the publication of the journal directed towards faculty and students and innovatively released in digital format. As of 2008, it started being published through the SEER platform – Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas (Journal Publishing Electronic System), which was being implemented at UFSC at that moment by the Department of Information Science, under the coordination of Professor Ursula Blattman, PhD, integrating, since its foundation, the university journal repository. That change in editing and publishing format has made it possible for the journal to be published twice a year – from Volume 13 (2008) onwards.

Since 2008, the journal has published articles from other Graduate programs from Brazil as well as from abroad, especially masters, PhD students and doctors. In case of unpublished works submitted by masters students began to be accepted under the co-authorship of a doctor. 

From September 2015, Anuário de Literatura started using the CC BY license, which "lets others distribute, remix, tweak and create from your work, even for commercial purposes, provided that assign him due credit for original creation. "