Gender, work and violence in The gravedigger’s daughter, by Joyce Carol Oates, and O apocalipse dos trabalhadores, by Valter Hugo Mãe


  • Paula Queiroz Dutra Universidade de Brasília



This article aims to discuss the representation of female workers and its relation to gender violence in contemporary literature. Based on the analysis of the novels The gravedigger’s daughter (2008) by Joyce Carol Oates, and O apocalipse dos trabalhadores (The workers’ apocalypse) (2013) by Portuguese writer Valter Hugo Mãe, we aim to compare how the characters shift between domestic space and their workplace. Considering the perspective of gender studies and female/male authorship, we will discuss the stereotypes that are created in these narratives and their implications to incidents of violence against women, especially at their workplace.

Author Biography

Paula Queiroz Dutra, Universidade de Brasília

Paula Queiroz Dutra é doutoranda em Literatura na Universidade de Brasília (UnB) e mestre em Letras pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). E-mail:



How to Cite

DUTRA, Paula Queiroz. Gender, work and violence in The gravedigger’s daughter, by Joyce Carol Oates, and O apocalipse dos trabalhadores, by Valter Hugo Mãe. Anuário de Literatura, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 1, p. 112–127, 2015. DOI: 10.5007/2175-7917.2015v20n1p112. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



Seção Temática Estudos Subalternos