“Are you two alone?” The answer is in the question
The narratives where lesbian characters appeared in Brazilian literature, until recently, were almost exclusively authored by male writers, and most of them featured stereotypes that reproduced the elements of heterocentrism and androcentrism, keeping the stereotypical image of the lesbian perpetuated in the social environment. This text results from a reading and subsequent analysis of the short story “Two women alone” by Diedra Roiz (2017) - that is part of the short stories' collection named “Incontadas- Those who cannot speak saying what should not be said” published by Editora Vira Letra (Franca/SP) in 2017 -, aiming to locate, during the narrative, the occurrences evidencing the concepts of, Judith Butler’s Performativity (2013), Teresa de Lauretis's Gender Technology (1994), Adrienne Rich’s Compulsory Heteronormativity (2010) and Sedgwick's Closet’s Epistemology (2007) and how these occurrences influence the individual experience of each character of the short story making a parallel between the unfolding of the scenes and the theories presented as theoretical corpus.References
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