Representations of lesbian love in Natalia Borges Polesso’s "Amora"
Love has always been in the imagination and concerns of human beings throughout the challenges of living together. However, as society changes, the vision of love and the dynamics of relationships also change and gain in contours, especially in contemporary times. This process also impacts lesbian love which, in addition to facing the concerns of love, still suffer from silencing, the result of a policy of forgetfulness produced by a society whose reference is always a white, heterosexual, Christian, modern/colonial man. Thus, this article proposes to analyze the figurations of lesbian love, from the transformations that love presents in contemporary life and its relationship with the regime of heterosexuality that impacts the lesbian experience in the tales: “Minha prima está na cidade”, “Como te extraño, Clara”,“Diáspora Lésbica” and “Dramaturga Hermética” from the book Amora by Natália Borges Polesso (2015). Therefore, it employs as theoretical input the discussions of Antony Giddens's (1993) and Zygmunt Bauman (2004; 2011a; 2011b), as well as the studies of Virgínia Maria Vasconcelos Leal (2019), Ochy Curiel (2007, 2013), Tânia Navarro-Swain (2004) and Byang-Chul Han (2011a; 2011b; 2011c).References
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