Do oriente ao ocidente: “aculturação” do espaço sócio-cultural brasileiro em Gilberto Freyre


  • Jóe José Dias


With the imminence of the bourgeois society occidental person, deriving of the French and industrial revolutions, the Orient starts to have a different view. Yawed for an occidental speech, the Orient stop to be an exotic, rich and charming land to become synonymous of decay and starvation. This because the occidentalists, in the expression of Freyre, intend to clean all the vestige of orientalism in the countries of the Occident. Applying this estimated to Brazil we will see that the change was not so simple, therefore many them customs of the Brazilian society until the beginning it century XIX were to the light of the Orient. Thus it was the social, space and communitarian organization. When the Portuguese kings came in 1806 the situation only starts to move, but slowly. Stimulated for England, Portugal has left for an offensive in the direction to purge everything what it remembers the oriental in its American colony. From there initiatives as to finish with the lattice windows in the old large houses of the Rio de Janeiro. The colonial system, based in the family and the patriarchalism, start to disappear, little by little, for a system individualistic bourgeois as so exploring as the first. Endowing me with Freyre, Said, Foucault, Candido, amongst others, I retake this conflict between Occident and Orient, carrying it to the literary sphere, aspiring to prove that the figure of redneck lobatian were occidentally, even with the change of the views that had made with that the Jeca passed of a sluggish one for victim of the capitalist system.

Author Biography

Jóe José Dias

possui graduação em Letras Português pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina e mestrado em Literatura Brasileira pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. "Currículo Lattes

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq."



How to Cite

DIAS, Jóe José. Do oriente ao ocidente: “aculturação” do espaço sócio-cultural brasileiro em Gilberto Freyre. Anuário de Literatura, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 12, p. 21–30, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


