The oranges and the pandemic: the poetic of mixing in the watercolors of Maria Esmênia




We would like to discuss in this essay the poetics of the “mixing”, (COCCIA, 2018) sewing the reading of a series of artistic works made by the aquarellist Maria Esmênia, posted on her Facebook page during the pandemic that affected us in 2020, relegating us to physical distance, but virtual proximity. We want to problematize a reading that intends to be both political and aesthetic at the same time, when approaching the shapes and colors of the passing of the pandemic time in the life and work of the artist. We can see in the series of paintings/collages/photo montages of oranges made by Maria Esmênia, and in the colors that transform it selves (CRUZ, 2001), a detail (RANCIÈRE, 2009), a bio grapheme (BARTHES, 2003), a brief instant (LISPECTOR, 1973) that tells the story. Thus, we proceed trying to do the reading of a fragment of work of an artist that with her singularity, but also referring to a collective, to the poetics bonds with a social behavior common to other artists, each one in their moment of life and uniqueness, all sharing in their bodies marks of the process of time (GOLDEMBERG, 2013), that passes, mixing with the artistic practice in the city's daily life, in an urban aesthetic movement spread around the world.

Author Biography

Ana Maria Alves de Souza, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Florianópolis

Formada na Licenciatura em Artes Plásticas (1999, CEART/UDESC), com mestrados em Antropologia Social (2003, UFSC) e também em Literatura (2011, UFSC). É professora de Artes Visuais da Rede Municipal de Florianópolis com 10 anos de atuação, sendo efetiva na EBM João Alfredo Rohr (Córrego Grande).


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How to Cite

SOUZA, Ana Maria Alves de. The oranges and the pandemic: the poetic of mixing in the watercolors of Maria Esmênia. Anuário de Literatura, [S. l.], v. 26, p. 01–11, 2021. DOI: 10.5007/2175-7917.2021.e78664. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.



Representações da velhice na literatura e outras artes