The nebulous images in Infância by Graciliano Ramos
Literary Criticism, Graciliano Ramos, MemoryAbstract
This essay reflects on some of the hazy childhood images present in the autobiographical book Infância by Graciliano Ramos, published in 1945. The hazy character of these images is related to the volatile and intermittent nature of memory, whose writing is configured as an attempt to recover what is in the cloud of memories. In addition to the analysis of excerpts from Infância, we include in the investigation the contribution of Walter Benjamin on the role of the work of similarities as a way of understanding the world. There will also be some approximations between Graciliano's book and Benjamin's Berlin Childhood around 1900. We also count on the theoretical contribution of Paul Ricoeur, who in Time and Narrative argues that the referential function of the plot would be in the fiction's ability to reshape the temporal experience, and we also count on Antonio Cândido's texts about Graciliano Ramos, which will help us to think about how the reconfiguration of lived experience takes placein the writing of Graciliano Ramos.
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