The heft of the ineffable




Ineffable emptiness, A Girl Is Lost in Her Century Looking for Her Father, Portuguese literature


Having A girl is lost in her century looking for her father, by Gonçalo M. Tavares, as the corpus of this work, it is intended to deepen the understanding of the notion of the ineffable and confirm the possibility of a form of saying without words which enables the expression of the ineffable. Assuming that the ineffable is a meaning (in)expressible to infinity and that keeps saying (and signifying) and saying again (and re-signifying) in an endless way (JANKÉLÉVITCH, 2018), it is not possible to express it in words. For this reason, this work begins by considering the ineffable emptiness of this Tavarian novel as a decisive way to give meaning to the meanings that go beyond the logic of the written word. When considering it as a determining form for the fair expression of the ineffable, it becomes essential to focus on it, because as it is interpreted, the understanding of the ineffable verified in this novel expands. To support this discussion, the studies of Vladmir Jankélévitch (2018), Santiago Kovadloff (2003), Michele Frederico Sciacca (1967), George Steiner (1988), Gilberto Mendonça Teles (1979), Luzia Aparecida Berloffa Tofalini (2020), among others are called.

Author Biography

Ibrahim Alisson Yamakawa, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Possui graduação em Letras Inglês Licenciatura e Bacharelado pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2013), mestrado em Letras pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2017), com dissertação intitulada Aprender a Rezar na Era da Técnica: as formas do silêncio e os silêncios das formas, e doutorado em Letras pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2022), com tese intitulada Entre vazio(s) e silêncios: o indizível e o inefável em Uma menina está perdida no seu século à procura do pai.


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TAVARES, Gonçalo M. Uma menina está perdida no século a procura de seu pai. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2015.

TELES, Gilberto Mendonça. Retórica do silêncio I: teoria e prática do texto literário. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1979.

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How to Cite

YAMAKAWA, Ibrahim Alisson. The heft of the ineffable. Anuário de Literatura, [S. l.], v. 28, p. 01–16, 2023. DOI: 10.5007/2175-7917.2023.e92481. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


