About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Boletim de Pesquisa NELIC is a vehicle for academic works of national and international researchers of contemporary literature and culture, notably on the Brazilian and Latin-american spaces.

Peer Review Process

Submissions are preliminarily evaluated by the Editorial Board, to determine compliance with the editorial policies and guidelines for authors. Once approved, they are sent to referees, who will justify, through analytical feedback, the acceptance or refusal, or even requested changes to be made on the submitted work. The peer review process maintains mutual anonymity. The results, together with the feedback, are sent to the authors by email.

Publication Frequency

Boletim de Pesquisa NELIC is published biannually.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate open access of its content, following the principle that freely sharing scientific knowledge provides global democratization of knowledge.

Submission and publishing fees

Boletim de Pesquisa NELIC does not charge submission, processing or subscription fees.

Digital Preservation

The Boletim de Pesquisa NELIC Journal is concerned with ensuring long-term access to its content. In case any incident occurs in the serves, the digital files of the journal are preserved in the Rede Cariniana, using the LOCKSS program. LOCKSS creates a file system distributed among the participating libraries, which allows them to create permanent files of their journals for preservation and restoration.


Boletim de Pesquisa NELIC is sponsered by CNPq.