Persephone, folklore, knot


  • Larissa Costa da Mata



This essay aims to investigate the traces of ‘green’ and Spring – that is, the myth of Persephone – on a few texts by Mário de Andrade, especially by means of his contact with The Golden Bough (1890), by sir James Frazer, as well as the developments of a conception of ‘green’ in intellectuals such as Georges Bataille, Carl Einstein, André Gide and Victoria Ocampo. The Golden Bough has given the main substance to Andrade’s studies on Folklore, as the Brazilian Dramatic Dances (1959), and to his attempt to transform Folklore into a subject. As we may see, Andrade’s interpretation of ‘green’ resulted in a perspective of survival as the permanence of a fixed and pri­mary element, and of people subject to be represented by form.

Author Biography

Larissa Costa da Mata

Doutora em Teoria Literária. Foi professora leitora de Estudos Brasileiros na Universidade de Pequim entre abril de 2013 e julho de 2014.

