Gel state of the fictional body in Mario Bellatin’s 'Rosa Canina' and "Flores"


  • Isabel Jasinski Universidade Federal do Paraná



Mario Bellatin creates a peculiar "space of sense" in fiction, related to the visual and per­formatic expressions of language. So, his literary project presents writing as body language, a terri­tory of significance constantly deterritorialized by sensations connected to the narrative game, with images and symbols in the literary actions. A sense of creative destruction constitutes the paradox expressed by fiction as body and by the body as fiction, in what we call Bellatin’s "nomadic writing", by means of the abnormality of the characters, their sexuality and religiosity, as one can note in Flo­res (2000), especially in "Rosa canina", published online by Cosac Naify in 2009. The position adopted by the protagonist in this work seems to indicate a specific "regime of signification”, as Josefina Ludmer puts it, according to which art and reality, fiction and biography blur their borders in a “gel state exchange”.

Author Biography

Isabel Jasinski, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Professora adjunta do Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras Modernas da Universi­dade Federal do Paraná.

