The military stratum in the literature of the Weimar Republic’s (1919-1922) dawn: an analysis of Kurt Tucholsky’s criticism




This article analyzes how Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935), in the early years of the Weimar Republic, makes his criticism of the presence of the military stratum in the newly established German democracy. Tucholsky’s course consists of discussions of works belonging to one of the main writing fields of his time: war literature. Written by officers in the form of memories, these works deal with the constitution of the military and their corresponding hierarchies to the development of the official apparatus and its control in the disclosure of news in the press. The analysis of Tucholsky’s texts, all published in the journal die Weltbühne, allows to carry out a review of the political, social and cultural aspects related to the fall of the imperial system and its constitution due to the structural crisis in the early years of the republic life in Germany.

Author Biography

Anderson Roszik, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutorando na FFLCH / USP (Língua e literatura alemã). Professor substituto de língua e literatura alemã na UNESP / Assis.

