Belazarte and Malazarte: faces of a fictional intellectual


  • André Piazera Zacchi UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Between 1923 and 1924 Mário de Andrade publishes the Chronicles of Malazarte in Revista América Brasileira. There, he builds three characters with different tastes, opinions and affections: Malazarte, Belazarte and Mário. The fictional voices in the space of the magazine are faces, speaking about the most imminent Brazilian contingency. These faces are Mário's strategies to stand in political positions, without occupying the place conventionally attributed to the intellectual (the one who knows the truth and enunciates it). Caras (Faces) is also the name of an essay about Chaplin in the magazine Espírito Novo, where Mário de Andrade separates and reunites director, creator, actor and character, Charles Chaplin and Charlie. Charlie's face, ostensibly fictional, is a force capable of immobilizing what is only movement, the cinema. Mário de Andrade thinks within the fiction, distributes himself in the faces of the characters to whom he gives voice, he evades of the power managing to interrupt its tradition.

Author Biography

André Piazera Zacchi, UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura

