Decadence apex: pain and evil in "Dentro da noite", by João do Rio




This text aims to analyze the detection of evil as a topic to be observed from reading Dentro da noite, a collection of short stories by João do Rio that expresses with sharpness the aspect of decay of the late 19th century from the first two decades of the 20th century in Rio de Janeiro. Facing an imposed redefinition with the reform of the city, new forms of coexistence, where figure of the dandy as a synonym of euphoria and decadence appears. That is combined with a sense of perversion and sadism that are inherent in a society that presents itself at the apex of a crisis of values, but where, in the same way, are detected significant signs of transformation.

Author Biography

Valdemar Valente Junior, Universidade Castelo Branco

Doutor em Ciência da Literatura pela Univerisdade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Pós-Doutor em Literatura Brasileira pela Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro. Professor Assistente da Universidade Castelo Branco.

