Many roses and an enigma in “O Relógio do Rosário”


  • Filipe Manzoni Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



The main goal of this research is to reframe some of the traditional aspects of the criticism of Carlos Drummond de Andrade’s Claro Enigma, through a rereading of its last poem, “Relógio do Rosário”. Some of the same elements that were the basis of important readings of Drummond’s poetry such as the roses images in A rosa do povo and Claro enigma or the aporetical status in “A máquina do mundo” seems to be brought together by “Relógio do Rosário” as well, but rearranged in a way that points us to slightly different conclusions. Hence, “Relógio do Rosário” allows a reconfiguration of some of the classical critical scenarios in which Drummond is usually read, providing a point of inflexion to reconsider some of its traditional conclusions.

Author Biography

Filipe Manzoni, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Bolsista Capes de Doutorado

