Adalgisa Nery and the anaglyph literature facing and against images


  • Luiz Antonio Ribeiro Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



This article’s objective is to discuss about the brazilian writer Adalgisa Nery, particularly the books “The Imaginary Woman” (2009) and “The Fog” (1972), using Raúl Antelo’s archifilological thought. By facing Adalgisa’s images as proposed by Ismael Nery, Cândido Portinari and the poet Murilo Mendes, this article intends to deactivate these images through Adalgisa’s writings in order to make them empty centers, which means to make them available to other articulations of history, memory and policy. For that, we use the image of a anaglyph proposed by Adalgisa: the overlap of side-by-side images that, at the same time, point to a depth and disarticulate this centered look.

