Techne and men’s nothings: notes on expression and technique from Raúl Antelo’s archiphilology




This essay explores the relations between the man’s modes of being and the Greek notion of techne in order to promote a reflection on expression and technique from the perspective of the contemporary of Giorgio Agamben. The work is inspired by the practice of archiphilology, which Raúl Antelo presents as an anachronistic study of emergencies detected in cultural production through a persistent game of re-readings. The concept of transduction which Gilbert Simondon brings from quantum mechanics to philosophy is used here as a setting to stimulate encounters, ruptures and reflections on life, man and the gestures of expression and exclusion that shape his shadow.

Author Biography

Tesla Coutinho Andrade, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Jornalista e Doutoranda em Memória Social na Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Bolsista CAPES.

