Immunity and progress: the Lesabéndio case


  • Luiza de Aguiar Borges Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Progress, Community, Immunity


In 1913 Germany, Paul Scheerbart had published, in the eve of the First World War, a novel about a planet inhabited by alien life forms who conformed themselves to a social and economic system very different from the one which governed Earth’s population. Opposing progress as a manner of individual development typical of 19th and 20th century imperialism to a social system which accounts for every possible form of life, the renewed concept of technic promoted by Scheerbart helps answering the questions that emerged along with the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the ones relating to body politics and the connections between community and immunity.

Author Biography

Luiza de Aguiar Borges, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutoranda sob a linha de pesquisa Teoria da Modernidade, através do Programa de Pós Graduação em Literatura pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Mestre em Literatura sob a linha de pesquisa Literaturas Híbridas e graduada em Letras - Língua Portuguesa e Literaturas pela mesma instituição. Pesquisa a sobrevivência, de modo arquifilológico, das relações entre olhar, fantasia e desejo nas literaturas clássicas, medievais e contemporâneas.


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