About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Biotemas aims to publish manuscripts in all sub-areas of Biological Sciences and its target audience is researchers and graduate and undergraduate students.
Submissions in related areas (Agricultural, Veterinary, Health Sciences, among others) will be accepted only to the extent they are directly related to the practice or theory of Biological Sciences. Submissions in the Education field are not accepted.
The journal has strengthened its focus on Biological Sciences. Thus, articles published before 2013 in the related areas listed above may not reflect the current scope of Biotemas.
In case the authors have doubts whether the theme of their manuscript fits the journal’s scope, we strongly recommend them to check in advance <biotemas@ccb.ufsc.br>.
Peer Review Process
Each manuscript is submitted to the assessment of at least two consultants in its area. The average assessment period is 45 days. Ad hoc reviewers are Ph.D. or MS scholars or Experts acknowledged in the area of each manuscript. Assessment is double blind. For certain areas, the manuscript undergoes prior assessment by a specialized Field Editor.
Digital Preservation
The Biotemas Journal is concerned with ensuring long-term access to its content. In case any incident occurs in the serves, the digital files of the journal are preserved in the Rede Cariniana, using the LOCKSS program. LOCKSS creates a file system distributed among the participating libraries, which allows them to create permanent files of their journals for preservation and restoration.
Journal History
The journal Biotemas published its first issue in 1988, and it provided a printed version until 2007. From this year onwards, it became an exclusively electronic format publication. Initially, it was a biannual journal and became quarterly in 2006.