
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Preliminarily, all manuscripts are assessed by editors regarding their adequacy to the journal scope and formatting. Articles with formatting issues will be immediately rejected. In the case of manuscripts on areas where the journal has Field Editors, one of them will provide an opinion on their relevance and writing quality.
  • In case of a favorable opinion to start the procedures, the manuscript is analyzed by, at least, two reviewers, experts on the theme concerned, and its approval is based on scientific content.

  • The authors receive the reviewer’s opinions and they shall send the new version within a maximum period of 15 days, with the amendments suggested, in electronic format (.doc). In case of noncompliance with any suggestion by the reviewers, the authors should provide a detailed justification, in a separate attached document.

  • The amended version is re-submitted to the reviewers, for checking the alterations made.

  • Once accepted regarding scientific merit, the authors shall be responsible for sending the text in English (either only the abstract or the full text) to one of the English language reviewers appointed by the journal. After English proofreading, the authors should send the corrected version along with the certification provided by the English language reviewer.

  • After accepting English proofreading, the authors shall send the payment voucher for the publication fee, according to the commitment made at the submission time. Once payment is confirmed, an approval statement for the manuscript will be sent, informing the volume where it will be published.

  • After publication approval, a definitive version of the article, in PDF format, will be sent for the last correction by the authors. Errors in the final version will be the sole responsibility of the authors.
  • The PDF files of approved manuscripts will be available, with free access, on the journal’s website:

Author Guidelines

Publishing Standards

The manuscript submission period is from March 1 to November 30 each year. Submissions outside this period will be immediately rejected.

I – On manuscript formatting

1) Review papers shall be submitted only in English. The other publication kinds may be written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, but the journal recommends publishing in English whenever possible. Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic version (.doc file), typed with 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman typeface, size 12, and 3 cm wide margins. ACCESS AND DOWNLOAD THIS MODEL and use it as a basis for the manuscript.

2) Submissions only addressing species lists are not accept.

3) The title page shall include the manuscript title, full authors’ names and the institutions involved. Authorship should be limited to those who substantially participated and contributed to the paper. If not fit into that situation, the person must be included in the acknowledgments. The corresponding author and her/his full institutional and electronic addresses must be indicated (this information will be taken by the Editorial Board during the review process, to ensure authors’ anonymity). On the second page, full title shall be repeated and, below, there must be: abstract, keywords (maximum of five, organized in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons and spelled with a capital letter), resumo, palavras-chave (maximum of five, organized in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons and spelled with a capital letter), and short title (maximum of 60 characters).

4) Abstract and resumo shall not exceed 200 words. If the manuscript is written in English, the resumo must be preceded by the title in Portuguese in bold type; if it is written in Portuguese, the abstract should be preceded by the title in English in bold type.

5) Page limit for Articles and Review Papers, including figures, tables, and references, is 25, while for Short Communications and Book Reviews this limit is 7 pages.

6) Articles shall contain Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments (optional), and References. The other publication kinds do not need to have the subdivisions mentioned above, but they must observe this order in the text.

7) Where applicable, the title should indicate the taxon classification under study. For instance:

“New species of Monostylis Tulasne (Podostemaceae) from the Amazonian region”

“Principle features of the cranial osteology of Milvago chimango (Vieillot, 1816) and Milvago chimachima (Vieillot, 1816) (Aves: Falconidae)”

8) In the case of studies involving animal experiments (complying with Law 11,794/08), the authorization number by the Ethics Commission on Animal Use shall appear in the section Material and Methods. Similarly, papers involving the capture or collection of animals regulated by current legislation must provide the authorization number by the inspection agency (IBAMA, SISBIO, or the respective state/municipal agency).

9) Reference citations in the text shall comply with the following pattern: one author (NETTO, 2001); two authors (MOTTA-JÚNIOR; LOMBARDI, 2002); three or more authors (RAMOS et al., 2002).

10) If the authors’ names are a part of the sentence, they shall be spelled with only the initial letter capitalized and the year of publication must be enclosed in parentheses. For instance: “According to Assis and Pereira (2010), the birds migrate to warmer regions.”

11) When there are, for the same year, more than one article by the same author(s), lower case letters must be added after the year, for instance: (DAVIDSON et al., 2000a; 2000b). When there are more than one citation within the same parentheses, they must be organized in chronological order. Example: (GIRARD, 1984; GROVUM, 1988; 2007; DE TONI et al., 2000).

12) Citations of references at the end of the article must comply with the ABNT standards, observing the alphabetical order of the first author’s surname (and so on for the other authors). Journal names and book titles should not be abbreviated. Indicating the city where a journal is published is compulsory, as well as the publishing house of a book (or book chapter). Only citations that appear in the text must appear in the list of references. Citations of abstracts from conference and scientific meetings are accepted only when available online and not exceeding 5% of the total number of references cited. Papers approved for publication shall be referred to as “in press” or “no prelo”, when written in English. Unpublished data should be cited in the text only as “unpublished data” or “personal communication”, in parentheses.

Citation examples at the final list of references

a) articles in journals

ALBUQUERQUE, U. P.; ANDRADE, L. H. C. Uso de recursos vegetais da Caatinga: o caso do agreste do estado de Pernambuco. Interciência, Caracas, v. 2, n. 28, p. 336-346, 2002.

b) full books

MILLIKEN, W.; MILLER, R. P.; POLLARD, S. R.; WANDELLI, E. V. I. Ethnobotany of the Waimiri atroari indians. London: Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, 1992. 146 p.

c) book chapters

COLLEAUX, L. Genetic basis of mental retardation. In: JONES, B. C.; MORMÈDE, P. (Ed.). Neurobehavioral Genetics – Methods and applications. 2 ed. New York: CRC Press, 1999. p. 275-290.

d) theses, dissertations, and monographs

FARIA, P. E. P. Uso de biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo no berbigão Anomalocardia brasiliana (GMELIN, 1971) para avaliação de poluição aquática em dois sítios em Florianópolis - Santa Catarina - BRASIL. 2008. 37 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ecologia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis. 2008.

e) publications from Conferences, Scientific Meetings, Symposia, etc.

SILVA, J. F., BOELONI. J. N.; OCARINO, N. M.; BOZZI, A.; GÓES, A. M.; SERAKIDES, R. Efeito dose-dependente da Triiodotironina (T3) na diferenciação osteogênica de células tronco mesenquimais da medula óssea de ratas. In: REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SBPC, 60, 2008, Campinas. Resumos... Campinas: SBPC, 2008. Versão eletrônica. Disponível em <include the address it was retrieved from>.

e) web pages

FOX, R. Invertebrate Anatomy - Daphnia magna. 2002. Disponível em <http:>. Acesso em: 22 maio 2003.

13)  Figures (photographs, graphs, drawings, etc.) and tables must already be inserted in the text, at the most appropriate place after the end of the paragraph where they were mentioned for the first time. Where appropriate, illustrations should contain scale representations through bars. Whenever possible, illustrations must be in color. Tables and figures must be numbered with Arabic numerals, according to their sequence in the text, and the latter should contain references to all of them. Tables and figures should have a title (on top of them), concise and self-explanatory. Further information, needed to grasp tables and figures, must be provided as notes, beneath them.

14) Correct taxonomic identification of species addressed in the paper is a responsibility of the authors, but the journal has the right to require modifications or reject papers with incorrect taxonomy. This point will be assessed by both the Field Editors as the Reviewers, therefore, it is recommended that authors provide as many information as possible for this checking. The text should contain: methods used for identification, geographical origin of specimens, and collection where they were listed. Photographs and listing numbers may be provided as additional documents.

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The names and email addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided for this publication, they will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.