Morphology of the muscles of the shoulder, arms and forearms of the coati (Nasua nasua)


  • Amilton Cesar dos Santos Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octávio Bastos, Campus II
  • Bruno Machado Bertassoli
  • Vanessa Cristina de Oliveira
  • Ana Flávia de Carvalho
  • Ricardo Alexandre Rosa
  • Celina Almeida Furlanetto Mançanares



The coati is an animal that belongs to the Phylum Chordata, the Class Mammalia, the Order Carnivora and the Procyonidae family. The striking feature of the family Procyonidae is the presence of five digits on the paws. These animals are classified as plantigrades and can do hand movements in different directions. It has habits of climbing trees to procreate, fleeing from danger, and sleeping at night. It feeds on fruits, small vertebrates, insects, nectar, eggs and vegetables. For this work were used three euthanized animals, from the Scientific Breeding Center (CECRIMPAS) - UNIFEOB authorized by IBAMA (Process nº 02027.003731/04-76), fixed in formaldehyde solution 10%. This work describes the morphology of the muscles of the forelimb of the coati, through dissection and photographic documentation. In the studied species, we found anatomical adaptations of thoracic limb muscles which had a mass volume much greater than in other species (puma, alpaca, dog, cat, lhama and Cebus apella monkeys), and this fact was found to be directly related to their abilities in climbing and handicraft.

Author Biographies

Amilton Cesar dos Santos, Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octávio Bastos, Campus II

Possui graduação em BACHAREL EM LETRAS pelo CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO DA FUNDAÇÃO DE ENSINO OCTAVIO BASTOS (2005). Tem experiência na área de Morfologia, com ênfase em Anatomia e histologia, bolsista de Iniciação científica pela FAPESP.

Bruno Machado Bertassoli

Atualmente é monitor de morfologia do Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octávio Bastos. Tem experiência na área de Morfologia, com ênfase em Anatomia e Histologia.




